mood : ヽ( ´ー`)ノ so so
Ok, so my mood today is so so. I don't know if I am happy or not. It's hard to say because I have routine daily life with same activities everday. :( Hmm maybe it's because the da*n UTS makes me sad. Arrghh I must get well soon and get better score next time. I wonder why I feel so dumb now and feel like I'm the most stupid girl in the class. LoL. :r Well I mustn't say that and have to believe that I'm a little shining star that will bright everbody's life. (^_-)-☆
Well so, now I have made a new girl pet named Oline. This time, I use my own name. :D It's because Herr need a girlfriend and I don't want Herr play with other girl pet. :v
So, this is a little picture of Princess Oline :